Family Radio CHRI

Testimony - Rod

"Dan has a great spirit and I can feel it when I listen to his show [Jukebox Request]. I've only been a Christian for 3 years and I get a lot of value listening to CHRI throughout the day." - Rod

Testimony - Vinnie

"I enjoy this station continuously through the day. The radio is on first thing in the morning until late afternoon. The teaching shows and music are very rewarding to the soul and mind." - Vinnie

Testimony - Charmaine

"These teaching shows are THE reason why I am so close to GOD now since my Mom's death in July 2015. I could not cope until I discovered your station. I listen to CHRI every single day." - Charmaine

Testimony - Karina

"I can always count on CHRI to remind me of the truths and guide me back to the right path. I can almost always turn it on and be hit right in the heart." - Karina

Testimony - Darlene

"I love that if I jump in my car when the teaching shows are on I can engage my mind, heart and soul and come away encouraged, convicted or any number of emotions. I love that when I am waking up Sunday morning for church that I can lay in bed hearing God's word. I love that I live in a country where this is available!" - Darlene

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"Just want to encourage you with your ministry at CHRI. In case you wonder whether people listen to and profit from your ministry, just want to share a personal story. I had the station on, and don’t remember who was talking about the book: Convicted: A Crooked Cop, an Innocent Man, and an Unlikely Journey of Forgiveness and Friendship, but it sounded so interesting, I got it from the library. The book is great – I have recommended it to friends – and think you would enjoy it (I know you ar...

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