Family Radio CHRI

Testimony - Brent

"God is great, and so is CHRI!" - Brent

Testimony - Darlene

"Thank you for providing Christian worship music as I exercise each morning! I can exercise in my basement and worship God at the same time.!" - Darlene

Testimony - Rich

"Caring for my elderly mother, I don’t get out of the house very much anymore and don’t have a lot of human contact. You guys are able to come into my home. I hear your voices, I feel the encouragement. Thank you. You are a great blessing." - Rich

Testimony - Zoe

"We love your radio station and listen to it everyday including the really busy before school time in the mornings!" - Zoe

Testimony - Deb

"I am so thankful CHRI promotes concerts like this [Paul Baloche Christmas] as I wouldn’t know about them if you didn’t (not to mention all the words to the songs!)" - Deb.

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"Let me say thank you for your work. CHRI has been a great part of my Christian life." - Sylvain

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