Family Radio CHRI

Testimony - Doug

" I just wanted to let you know you are all doing an amazing job and Ottawa is blessed to have you guys." - Doug

Testimony - Nick

"I just want to say thanks for playing these amazing songs day after day. I know if it wasn't for the songs I hear on your station I'd be in a very dark place right now. I know I am not the only one out there that has experienced this but you guys change lives including mine." - Nick

Testimony - Sylvani

"Let me say thank you for your work. CHRI has been a great part of my Christian life." - Sylvain

Testimony - Shirley

"You guys are quite the "Shakers"!!! All the best with Sharathon! CHRI is truly a wonderful station that the Lord has blessed our city and our region with. " - Shirley

Testimony - Jennifer

“When it comes to raising everyone’s spirits in Ottawa, CHRI takes the cake!” - Jennifer

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"Never knew this station existed until last week very early one morning on my way to work, I was scrolling through stations. Came across a really interesting talk show speaking of marriage and family [Focus On the Family]. Have been listening to it exclusively ever since. Thanking your whole team for enlightening and restoring faith." - Tracy

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