Family Radio CHRI

Testimony - Kyle

"We didn't realize how much we appreciated CHRI until we didn't have it. We really miss the encouraging and uplifting songs and Bible teaching! We can't tell you enough how much we love your station! Keep up the great work! ...we'll be listening online! Please, come out West!!"  - Kyle

Testimony - Christian

"This radio station has been very instrumental in my walk with Christ! CHRI has allowed me to grow leaps and bounds. I believe wholeheartedly, without CHRI, I would not be the Christian I am today. Jesus loves you and so do I!" - Christian

Testimony - Neida

"I want to thank your radio station and the work you all do for all the good things you bring. You have been there for me in the darkest times of my life, and I thank you dearly for that. God bless you and your families!"

 - Neida

Testimony - Bryan

"We wanted you to know that we had a great book signing after our interview with CHRI. A number of people came into the store to see us because they heard us on your show. So thanks for your gracious invitation."

 - Bryan & Ann Norford

Testimony - Aaron Rebecca

"Thank you and may God continue to bless the amazing work CHRI is doing in Eastern Ontario"

 - Aaron & Rebecca

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"Thank you for the work you do to bring us closer to our Lord in joy and faith." - Cécile

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