Family Radio CHRI

Catch A Meteor Shower this Month

meteorshowerThe Perseid meteor shower is underway this month, and you can catch it right from your backyard! It will peak on the nights of August 11th and 12th, although all month long you will be able to see "shooting stars" often in the night. You don't need any binoculars or a telescope to watch this meteor shower, just your own two eyes and a spot outside that has as little light as possible. The darker your observation area, the more likely you will see more meteors! Get comfy, grab some snacks, and have fun! 

For more information on the Perseid meteor shower, go to

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National Jamaican Patty Day

jamaicanpattyIt's National Jamaican Patty Day! Have you ever tried one of these flaky, delicious meat pastries? Jamaican Patties are the quintessential fast food in Jamaica, for good reason. Make your own batch today, or order some from a local eatery! 

Read more for a Jamaican Patty recipe from


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Memorize Scripture With Your Kids

seedsworshiplogoThere is hardly an age too young to start planting God's word into your heart. Today's 99+1 Days idea was contributed by a CHRI listening family, the Bougies (many thanks!!). Seeds Family Worship creates Scripture memory songs for kids by setting verses from the Bible to music. The Bougie family has enjoyed using their worship music to memorize God’s Word and hide it in their hearts. You can stream their songs, here.

Seeds has a library of 176 songs and 250 videos written to word-for-word Scripture that makes memorizing the Bible easy and fun. They also offer scripture memory cards for kids (or adults!), scripture backgrounds, and fun, easy family devotions!

For a limited time, you can download for free the DVD of their album “I Believe”. You can also watch all their videos for free on Youtube. They have lyrics videos and hand motions videos!

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Beaded Wind Chime Craft

wind chimesLooking for a fun craft to do, either by yourself or with your family? Try making this beaded wind chime! You can get the kids involved by having each family member bead their own strand, and use up some of your beads you have stored with your craft supplies. This craft is originally from

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Spanish Iced Latte Recipe

russianlatteWhy not spice up your everyday coffee and try making a Spanish latte? A Spanish latte is similar to a regular latte, but is slightly sweeter due to the addition of condensed milk! Here's how to make it:

- FIll up a long latte cup with ice cubes
- Add 3 tablespoons of condesned milk
- Add 1 cup of cold milk
- Add 1 shot of espresso (or more if you like your coffee strong! ;))
- Stir, and enjoy!

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"What a blessing it is to be able to kick it with you guys though I'm so far away now. Keep up all the great work you are doing. Many, many blessings to you and all the staff at CHRI"  - Keith

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