Family Radio CHRI

CHRI Top 20 Countdown of 2022

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elevation oldchurchbasement
Elevation Worship
katynichole injesusname
elevationworship lion
Elevation Worship (feat. Chandler Moore)
maverickcity blessme
Maverick City Music x Kirk Franklin
philwickham hymnofheaven
Phil Wickham
blessingoffor brighterdays
Blessing Offor
eliasdummer thegospelisrest
Elias Dummer (f. land of color)
tobymac thegoodness
TobyMac (feat. Blessing Offor)
cain thecommission
brookeligertwood honeyintherock
Brooke Ligertwood & Brandon Lake
jordanstcyr wearytraveler
Jordan St. Cyr
maverickcitymusic jireh
Maverick City Music
laurendaigle tremble
Lauren Daigle
courtnieramirez lifeisgood
Courtnie Ramirez
Matt Maher & Lizzie Morgan
loveandtheoutcome imnotluckyimblessed
Love & The Outcome
forkingandcountry forgodiswithus
For King & Country
wethekingdom miraclepower
We The Kingdom
benrector dreamon
Ben Rector
taurenwells fakeit
Tauren Wells (feat. Aaron Cole)
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12-30-22 Planning to Be Afraid in the Coming Year?

What are your New Year’s resolutions? In my thirties, when I planned for the new year, I mainly considered my health journey, planning to eat better or finally use my neglected treadmill. As I became more attuned to the voice of the Lord, I planned my way forward spiritually. Will I give in to my daily fears? Will I allow them to derail me and move me in directions I don’t want to go? Or will I move forward in faith? In this episode of Life’s Inside Track, we’ll consider how the tug of war between Fear and Faith moves us away from or towards our calling, and learn how to hold on to the faith that will give you life and life abundantly.
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12-30-22 Looking Back to Learn

It’s the end of the year, and Dave and Reb can hardly believe it! Today, on “Let’s Talk Money with Dave and Reb”, the co-hosts look back on their year of podcasts as well as areas of personal growth they've experienced. In this year of economic change when so many people are looking for financial answers, they share how God has been using the challenges in their own lives to build foundations. Looking at the words of Psalm 107, they remind listeners that when God’s people cry out, He delivers them from all their troubles. Whether the answers come quickly or slowly, God is the Lord who provides answers when we call. Join Dave and Reb's conversation today to hear more of their discussion, which is sponsored by More Than Enough Financial - a financial coaching, tax, and mortgage company empowering people to effectively manage their finances while finding hope and financial freedom one day at a time. To order Reb's e-book, audio book, or soft-cover copy of Cultivating Trust: Finding God's Hope and Freedom for Your Finances, go to

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12-26-22 Positioning for Greatness [Encore]

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12-26-22 It Might Be Private but it's No Longer a Secret

jewishfaithandfacts 660










Each week on "Jewish Faith & Jewish Facts", Rabbi Emeritus of Temple Israel, Steven Garten, will explore aspects of the Jewish religion, people, and holidays, and give insight on the ancient scriptures from a Jewish perspective.

Email Rabbi Garten: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Listen to past episodes, below. 

lifetransformations 660

For questions or to schedule an appointment with Elim Counselling Services, call 613-699-1677 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Visit for more information.

LIT 660
For questions or to schedule an appointment with the Dekker Team, e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 613-860-4663. Visit for more information.

LetTalkMoney 660 2023

For questions or to schedule an appointment with a More Than Enough team member, e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 613-520-4157. Visit for more information.

The hosts of Family Radio. They're the ones you hear on air, and see at events around town.

Learn more about the music and teaching programs featured on Family Radio CHRI (in order as it appears on the Schedule)

Your local Christian music countown. The Top 20 songs of the past week on CHRI.

worldperspectivesWeekday's @ 11:00am

Contact Alan Gilman:

Click on the show date/title (below) to listen to past episodes.

peaceofmind 660

Each month, Kenneth C. Pope brings you valued knowledge on how you can plan for the future of your disabled family members. Get legal help, or learn more here.

website 280by660 915

We know that you want to grow a thriving business and inspire your community with your success story. The same is true for you, leaders of mission-driven organizations, as you want to have a growing and lasting impact. The problem is when challenges arise, you are often left improvising, which makes you feel overwhelmed and even stuck sometimes. In the show Thrive 11-10, Awarding-winning and Certified Kingdom Advisor Bold Kéré, along with seasoned guests from all walks of entrepreneurship, deliver weekly insights and practical tips you can implement right away. Topics include management, marketing, sales, finances, communications, efficiency, leadership, products and services offering, human resources, and more. Tune in to CHRI every Monday at 9:15 A.M. ET and get the results you are looking for in your businesses and organizations, without losing your sanity. For more information or to schedule an appointment with Bold, visit

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