Family Radio CHRI

Bringing Up Teenagers

In preparation for this week's giveaway, "Bringing Up Girls", I came across an interesting article in Maclean's on teenage girls. It hasn't been that long since I've been out of high school but times have definitely changed.   It's interesting to compare the secular media perspective to the issues Dr. Dobson brings up in his book. In each case the stats are scary. Add a comment

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My First Blog

dana_keyOne of my colleagues here at CHRI (blogger extraordinaire Ashley Elliott) has gently "suggested" that I write my (first ever) blog, on the recent passing of Dana Key. You see she's too young to remember Degarmo & Key (aargh) but I, like so many others from my generation (X), grew up on their music.

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Glimpses of Good in Congo

In a heart wrenching article in today's Toronto Star, they discuss what do women do when they have been shunned by their society?

Miracle Baby - incredible story

Last night was the Newsboys concert & it was amazing! Those guys are full of energy and Michael Tait, the boy's new lead singer, stepped it up.

Opening for the show was Audio Adrenaline's new project "Know Hope Collective".  Like many others, I was really not sure what to expect from the guys but they blew me away.

Mark and Will were raw and vulnerable with the audience, sharing the struggles they personally and as a band have gone through over the past few years.

One story Mark shared was incredibly powerful ...

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Andrea Bocelli tells a "Fairy Tale"

Andrea Bocelli (aka the "blind tenor") shares his beautilful testimony on his Mother chosing life.  Thankfully, for the whole world, she did; what beauty he has brought into this world! Add a comment

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What is Devotion?

I came across this devotional idea the other day. It seems like a great way to dig in and spend some time with God and His word. I hope it is helpful & be sure to pass along to anyone who could need a devotional refresher!

What Gets You Moving?

Keeping our bodies healthy and in shape.  *Groan*  Why is it so hard to get out of bed or off the couch and start moving?

Interview with Rick Warren


I received an email this morning, from my sister, with an interview with Rick Warren. It's incredibly inspirational and gave me a lot to think about in regards to disappointment and money. Add a comment

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Straight from the Horse's Mouth

Calling all horse lovers ... Care and I just got back from checking out the new horse exhibit "Le Cheval" at the Museum of Civilization.  Add a comment

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Human Trafficking: World Cup Prayer Guide

Human Trafficking is an crime that is close to many people's hearts.  I had the opportunity to work in Thailand and Bangladesh and learn about the major trafficking issues in these 2 countries.  Add a comment

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