Family Radio CHRI

Dan Bremnes Interview - Wherever I Go

danbremnes2018 whereverigoCare Baldwin chats with JUNO-Award winner Dan Bremnes ahead of his concert on Sunday, November 18th, 2018 in Ottawa. He shares what inspired his trip around the world and where to find the best coffe, as well as how he wrote his new album Wherever I Go.

Get concert tickets and concert details here.

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Interview with Chris Tomlin

christomlin ggf2018Grammy Award winner Chris Tomlin returns to Ottawa for the ‘Good Good Father Tour’ on September 20th.
Care chats with Chris about how he discovered the song, worship leader/songwriter Pat Barrett, and fatherhood:

Click here for concert tickets & details.

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Canadian Sister Duo

lovecollideCare interviews LoveCollide while visiting Ottawa on their Canadian radio tour. Hear about their Native American ties, their favourite thing to do when visiting a new city, and what it means to be "tired of basic".



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Danny Gokey Hope-Filled and Energetic

dannygokey int2018"I feel like God spoeaks to me through song." Check out Care's interview with GRAMMY nominee Danny Gokey about the heart behind his new song "Masterpiece", which of HIS songs minister to him on stage, and what to expect from the high-energy concert on May 4th.

Tickets available online here.

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Inspiration Is Re-awakened in Brian Doerksen

briandoerksen grateful intBrock interviews Canadian award-winning songwriter and worship leader Brian Doerksen about “Grateful”, his new solo project after a 7-year dry spell.

Brian explains the curent season of gratitude that is driving his life, how the inspiration for song-writing returned, how we can pray for him, and provides an update on his family... He also teases his upcoming concert in Ottawa.

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