Family Radio CHRI

The Wednesday Bookmark

Discover new books each Wednesday

9:00am EST on the Morning Express, Brock Tozer will highlight a new non-fiction title
4:30pm EST on the Home Stretch, Care Baldwin will share something new for kids, youth, or young adults.

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The Enneagram of Emotional Intelligence: A Journey to Personal and Professional Success

bookmark thenneagramofeq 330Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is one of the biggest predictors of personal and professional success. How can we effectively develop our emotional intelligence? REPLAY Brock's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Scott Allender.

Purchase The Enneagram of Emotional Intelligence, here.

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A God Named Josh: Uncovering the Human Life of Jesus Christ

bookmark agodnamedjosh 330With deft, insightful, and humorous strokes, award-winning biographer Jared Brock weaves archaeology, philosophy, history, and theology to create a portrait of Jesus we've never seen before. REPLAY Brock's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Jared Brock.

Purchase A God Named Josh, here.

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Angels on Your Side: When You're Feeing Scared

bookmark2023 angelsonyourside 330When children are scared by a storm, afraid of the dark, or wake up from a bad dream, how can you remind them of God's protection and love? REPLAY Care's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Marty Machowski.

Purchase Angel's On Your Sidehere.

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She Deserves Better: Raising Girls to Resist Toxic Teachings on Sex, Self, and Speaking Up

bookmark shedeservesbetter 330What if the goal of raising a Christian girl was about more than keeping her virginity intact? What if it was about raising a strong, independent young woman who knows who she is, uses her voice, and confidently steps into the life God has for her? REPLAY Brock's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Sheila Wray Gregoire.

Purchase She Deserves Better, here.

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Reading for the Love of God: How to Read as a Spiritual Practice

bookmark readingfortheloveofgod 330What if we viewed reading as not just a personal hobby or a pleasurable indulgence but a spiritual practice that deepens our faith? REPLAY Brock's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Jessica Hooten Wilson.

Purchase Reading for the Love of God, here.

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"I am really thankful that you air John MacArthur [Grace to You @ 2:30pm] every weekday!! His preaching is wonderful, and it keeps me listening to CHRI." - Melanie

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