Canadian Bible Engagement Study
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- Published: Saturday, 31 May 2014 01:00
How do you stay engaged in God's Word? According to a recent study by Canadian Bible Forum, only 1 in 7 Canadian Christians read the Bible at least once a week!
Listen to Care Baldwin's interview with Canadian Bible Forum's Rev. Dr. Lawson Murray with more on the study and how to get Canadians more engaged in God's Word:
Care Interviews Producer Kevin Downes
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- Published: Wednesday, 07 May 2014 01:00
Care Baldwin interview producer of "The Lost Medallion" and co-star of "Courageous" Kevin Downes on his latest project "Mom's Night Out". This comedy is the first Christian-themed feature film in it's genre (in theatres Friday, May 9th!)
National March For Life Interview
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- Published: Tuesday, 06 May 2014 10:00
Listen to Brock Tozer interview with Joanne Brownrigg of Campaign Life Coalition about The National March For Life. This year's event takes place THIS Thursday, May 8th, 2014 join thousands of Canadians to walk, sing and pray in downtown Ottawa for an end to abortion in Canada.
Dan Interviews Clean Comic Leland Klassen
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- Published: Tuesday, 15 April 2014 01:00
Clean comic Leland Klassen is back at Kanata Baptist Church on Saturday, May 3rd, 2014 for the Laughopolis Comedy Combo Tour... bringing with him improv team Panic Squad!
Dan Adams speaks to Leland about becomming a 'clean' comedian and the opportunities that came along with it:
Brock Interviews Irreplaceable Host Tim Sisarich
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- Published: Monday, 14 April 2014 14:37
Focus on the Family is releasing their first feature-length film called "Irreplaceable" - a powerful and insightful film, highlighting the importance of family's irreplaceable role in society today. It will be in theatres nationwide on Wednesday, May 7th, for a special one night only event.
Listen to Brock interview with Tim Sisarich, Executive Director of Focus On the Family New Zealand and host of the documentary:
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Interview with Sean Davis from Ottawa PointMen
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- Published: Tuesday, 25 March 2014 12:35

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Catholic Christian Outreach Interview
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- Published: Wednesday, 19 March 2014 11:01
Catholic Christian Outreach's 6th Annual "Meet the Movement" Gala is this Sunday, March 23rd . Here is Care Baldwin's interview with CCO Stewardship and Development Officer Lindsay Rigby, discussing the event as well as the ministry's campus outreach.
Register at
Add a commentSchool of Daniel Interview
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- Published: Tuesday, 11 March 2014 11:00
In case you missed it, here is Care's interview with Pastor Shawn Gabie on "School of Daniel 2014", presented by Kingdom Culture Ministries at Dominion Outreach Centre June 2nd through 22nd, 2014.
For more information and to register, visit
Note: Accepted students who mention they heard about the School on CHRI on their application form will receive a free copy of Shawn's book "Secrets of the Supernatural Life".
Disney LIVE Interview
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- Published: Monday, 03 March 2014 00:00
Care interviews Disney Live! dancer Meredith Baldwin, who portrays Cinderella in "Mickey's Rockin' Roadshow" at the NAC this Sunday, about the show and life on the road as a Disney performer!
Promise Keepers' Rick Verkerk & Andrew Thompson Co-Hosting
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- Published: Wednesday, 26 February 2014 01:00
Brock Tozer will be joined in studio by National Manager of Events for Promise Keepers Canada, Rick Verkerk and PK worship leader, Andrew Thompson, THIS FRIDAY at 7:30am ET (they will be co-hosting The Morning Express until 9am).
Register here for "STRONGER: Promise Keepers Men's Conference 2014".
February 28th & March 1st at Cedarview Alliance Church.
OSCARS 2014 Predictions with Bob Waliszewski
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- Published: Tuesday, 25 February 2014 17:30
Care Baldwin interviews Focus On the Family's Plugged In movie reviewer Bob Waliszewski about his opinions and predictions for the 86th Academy Awards:
The Oscars air Sunday, March 2nd @ 7:00pm ET
*CORRECTION: Bob said that two of the nine Best Picture nominees were PG-13 and the rest were R, however Philomena is also PG-13. (Originally, it was rated R, but it came out after a second pass with the MPAA as a PG-13.)
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