Family Radio CHRI

Clever Cub Bible Stories (16 books)

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Clever Cub is a curious little bear who LOVES to cuddle up with the Bible and learn about God. Cuddle up and learn about God with the engaging Clever Cub series for ages 3–8.

REPLAY Care's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Bob Hartman.

Purchase Clever Club Bible Storieshere.

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The Multiplication Factor: 16 Truths About Partnering with God in Business and Life

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How can God's truths not only transform lives, but bring the multiplication of blessings?

Tune in Wednesday, May 15th at 9 A.M. ET for Brock's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Mark Walker.

Purchase The Multiplication Factorhere.

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The Minor Miracle: The Amazing Adventures of Noah Minor

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What happens when a seemingly average seventh grader discovers he has superpowers . . . and then realizes his life just got super complicated? Find out in this action-packed adventure perfect for young readers.

REPLAY Care's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Meredith Davis.

Purchase The Minor Miraclehere.

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Fighting for Family: The Relentless Pursuit of Building Belonging

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In a time when so many suffer from isolation and it feels like developing authentic relationships and true belonging is harder than ever, Chris and Julie Bennett invite you into their story to discover why we were meant for togetherness and why it's worth facing any amount of hardship to keep our faith, families, and communities at the center of who we are.

REPLAY Brock's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Chris Bennett.

Purchase Fighting for Familyhere.

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Charlie and the Preschool Prodigal

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We so often desire to save ourselves, either through running from rules or self-righteously following them―missing the true joy and rest found in the Father’s unconditional love. In this picture book for kids ages 3–7, author Ginger M. Blomberg retells the story of the prodigal son through the eyes of wild-child Eddie and his rule-following brother Charlie.

REPLAY Care's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Ginger.

Purchase Charlie and the Preschool Prodigalhere.

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This Special Blessing for You

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God is full of love for your children, and This Special Blessing for You empowers them to live out who God wants them to be in the world. Encourage the kids in your life to spread love and kindness with this engaging rhyming picture book.

REPLAY Care's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Eric and Meredith Schrotenboer.

Purchase This Special Blessing for Youhere.

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Song of the Seasons

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From budding leaves to blooming flowers, falling leaves to ice and snow, children see how every changing season points to a marvelous and mighty Creator. This joyous book filled with biblical truth celebrates all four seasons and is ideal for children ages 3-8.

REPLAY Care's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Glenys Nellist.

Purchase Song of the Seasonshere.

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Praying Personalities: Finding Your Natural Prayer Style

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You should pray in the morning. You should write out your prayers. You should make prayer lists and pray through them every day. You should pray with others or out loud. We've all heard the "you shoulds" of prayer from pulpits, presenters, and well-meaning friends. But when none of these ways to pray feel natural, what's next?

REPLAY Brock's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Janet McHenry.

Purchase Praying Personalitieshere.

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Raising Kids to Follow Christ: Instilling a Lifelong Trust in God

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How can we raise the next generation to follow Christ and live according to God’s directives in His Word? Author Lee Ann Mancini says what our children need is a heart change―not just a behavioral change―so that they become effective disciples.

REPLAY Brock's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Lee Ann.

Purchase Raising Kids to Follow Christhere.

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What Color Is God's Love?

bookmark whatcolorisgodslovInvite the young reader in your life to discover all the ways God’s love can be displayed through a rainbow of colors!

REPLAY Care's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Xochitl Dixon.

Purchase What Color Is God's Love?here.

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Bible Verses to Remember (3 books)

bookmark bibleversestoremember 330Sally Michael helps parents, teachers, and caregivers to instruct the mind, engage the heart, and influence the will of children as they learn a new Scripture.

Read more for Care's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Sally.

Purchase Bible Verses to Rememberhere.

As an Amazon Associate, CHRI earns from qualifying purchases.

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