Family Radio CHRI

Jewish Faith & Jewish Facts

jewishfaithandfacts 660










Each week on "Jewish Faith & Jewish Facts", Rabbi Emeritus of Temple Israel, Steven Garten, will explore aspects of the Jewish religion, people, and holidays, and give insight on the ancient scriptures from a Jewish perspective.

Email Rabbi Garten:

Listen to past episodes, below. 

06-28-20 - What is Communal Leadership


06-21-20 - Spying the Land


06-14-20 - Pandemic and Racism in the Bible


06-07-20 - Lifting Your Face to God


05-31-20 - Shavuot


05-24-20 - Beginning the Fourth Book of the Torah


05-17-20 - Jubilee and Sabbatical


05-10-20 - Sukkot


05-03-20 - Holiness


04-26-20 - Distancing in the Time of the Pandemic


04-19-20 - Spontaneity and Limits


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