Family Radio CHRI

Testimony - May

"I'm a relatively new listener to CHRI, 5-6 years now. When I checked out the station the first time, got hooked, line and sinker!! Brock is my "alarm clock", Dan is my "midday rock" and Care is my "wind-down gal-pal". My family calls it my 'Jesus Station' and it is sooooo true, it's almost 24/7 of Jesus talking to me in a form that He knows I will understand. Listening to CHRI has helped me return to praying the rosary, listening to different bible teachings in every angle or interpretation. I am getting to know the bible in a whole new light and it is so inspiring. From time-to-time, I do 'cheat' to listen my 80's-90's music, but I always go back to CHRI! It's like a warm hug of cocoa in the winter, chilled iced tea in the summer, extra whipped cream and cherries on top in between! I Love CHRI!! Thanks for giving listener a positive vibes of a radio!" - May

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"CHRI inspires me every day!! Awesome team! Awesome work!" - Lynn

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