Family Radio CHRI

Summer Appeal Letter

You should be receiving our Summer Appeal Letter in the mail this week.
With your support we can "stay the course" during our leanest months June, July and August and continue to minister to tens of thousands of people in this region and around the world through
"Read more" for the digital version of the letter and please prayerfully consider giving to CHRI.

donateWe're appealing to you, our loyal listeners and donors, to think about making a gift to CHRI. Your gift is 100% tax deductible and will help us continue to improve the quality of great music, teaching, and silly entertainment from our DJ's that we fill the airwaves with.


 Our mission:  To use media to encourage, challenge and equip individuals to respond to God's call through Jesus Christ. 

Dear Family Radio CHRI Listener:

The next time you listen to the radio compare CHRI to any other music station. In one way we sound the same: professional, but in other ways we are worlds apart.

We promote faith, promote unity and family, promote gatherings that strengthen the body of Christ. We bring together people throughout the region with a common bond in the name of Jesus Christ.

We can do this because you are a faithful supporter, expressing your love for God and belief in CHRI's purpose with your giving. Here are some voices on this subject:

"It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving." — Mother Teresa (1910-97), Catholic missionary to India

"Even if I give the whole of my worth to Him, He will find a way to give back to me much more than I gave." — Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-92), English Baptist preacher

"We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give." — Winston Churchill (1874-1965), British wartime prime minister, statesman, anglican

With your support now we can 'stay the course' during our leanest months of June, July and August, and continue to develop relationships that reach out and minister to tens of thousands of people in this region and around the world through


This 2010 Summer Appeal letter is sent to you by Bill Stevens, GM, his 7 team members

and our many volunteers, all committed to bringing the best radio to you and your family!

P.S. Remember CHRI needs you to fulfill its purpose. Please click the DONATE button below to send your gift today. CHRI is now a Certified Member of the Canadian Council of Christian Charities!


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“CHRI inspires me so much that I've returned back to listen to my old Christian music in my library such as All Sons and Daughters and Hillsong.” – Julie

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