Family Radio CHRI

These Are the Days of Summer

Host a Worship Night at Home

Day51 HomeWorshipNight 330

Hosting a worship gathering at home can be a deeply meaningful experience. Remove the loud speakers and flashy lights and you’re left with an intimate encounter with the Holy Spirit. Looking to change the atmosphere in your own living room and bless your home? Gather a few people for a simple, intentional time of worship. Here are some tips:

1. Set a Purposeful Atmosphere
Create a space that is comfortable for people to sit down, kneel on the floor, or stand as they feel led. Consider dimming the lights and use candles to help inspire peace, prayer and reflection.

2. Prepare a Thoughtful Program
Select a scripture passage, devotional reading or theme that resonates with the group. You could ask one of your guests to come prepared with this. Plan the flow with a balance of singing, prayer, scripture reading and silent reflection but don’t stick too closely to it! Allow people to join in as they feel led.

3. Incorporate Music
Print off lyrics and chord charts to some familiar worship songs and hymns that align with the theme and are simple to play/sing along to. (Tip: don’t change the key too high or low. You want it to be in a comfortable singing range for most people.)

Invite your guests who play an instrument to bring theirs and play along “unplugged”, or if live music isn’t feasible, prepare a playlist of recorded music to sing along to or simply listen. They don’t have to be karaoke tracks. Original-recorded music works too. 

4. Prepare for Communion (optional)
If you feel your group would be inspired, prepare some crackers and juice to share as you recognize and celebrate Christ’s sacrifice together.

5. Respect Time
Begin on time and be mindful of the duration to respect everyone’s schedule. But be open to the Spirit’s leading if the gathering naturally extends.

6. Pray for Guidance
To prepare as the host, seek God’s Direction. Spend time in prayer asking for wisdom and guidance in planning and leading the event.

Inviting people from the Christian community to a home worship gathering develops a posture of worship throughout the week that can be a blessing to your church.

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