Family Radio CHRI


Local Teachers Take a Leap of Faith - UPDATE

gfa_leap2013_thmbDany Dias and Janine Jalbert, who have decided to take a leap of faith so that the gospel can be shared in difficult areas, had a safe landing on Monday.

Click here for Care's in-studio interview with Dany and Janine, for photos of their leap, and to learn more about how to provide bicycles on the mission field through Gospel For Asia!


Skydiving on Monday, July 1st:

See the leap video and report on their webpage:


In the CHRI Studio on Thursday, June 27th:

The Leap: The ladies will be skydiving at the Gatineau-Ottawa Airport (MAP). 

Their Goal: 100 bicycles = $11,000 (100% of your donation goes to the mission field)

leapoffaith_gfaHelp Missionaries Go Farther, Faster
Many GFA-supported missionaries spend arduous hours walking from one village to another. With a bicycle, a missionary can visit three to four times as many villages in a day. A heavy-duty Indian-made bicycle will be a wonderful blessing for $110.
One hundred percent of your donation will go to towards the missions field. Nothing is taken out for administrative expenses.

Visit Dany and Janine's campaign page:


About Gospel for Asia:
Gospel for Asia works with the most vulnerable, needy & often forgotten about people in India. GFA brings hope and restoration through the message of Jesus and relief programs to the Dalit community, widowed women, orphaned or abandoned children and in the many slums of India.


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