05-30-12 - Anything
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- Category: Authors
- Published: Monday, 28 May 2012 12:15

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Safe. Comfortable. Happy.
Words we all love. Feelings we want. Even crave. We may love God, but being that he's invisible, words like comfortable seem to feel better faster.
We are all chasing something. Our hearts were made to run hard and fast after things that move us. But as a generation we are all beginning to stir and wake up, identifying that these words don't satisfy for long, especially when compared to God. If God is real, and we are going to live with Him forever, shouldn't He be everything?
Caught in this familiar haze of worldly happiness and empty pursuits, Jennie Allen and her husband Zac prayed a courageous prayer of abandonment that took them on an adventure God had written for them.
"God, we will do anything. Anything,"
Anything is a prayer of surrender that will spark something. A prayer that will move us to stop chasing things that just make us feel happy and start living a life that matters. A life that is...
Surrendered. Reckless. Courageous.
If we truly know a God worth giving anything for, everything changes.
About the Author
Jennie Allen's passion is to communicate a bigger God through writing and teaching. She graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary with a master's in biblical studies and is blessed to serve alongside her husband Zac in ministry. They have four children, including their youngest son who was recently adopted from Rwanda.