02-06-13 - Blue Door
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- Category: Authors
- Published: Monday, 04 February 2013 13:37

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ZonderKidz launches an exciting supernatural series for kids 11 and up. The Blue Door, the first book in The Threshold Series, introduces Prissie Pomeroy, a teen who discovers she can see what others cannot: angels all around. Even more startling is the surprising secret she uncovers about people she thought she knew. As she wrestles with this unexpected ability she must come to grips with the spiritual battles surrounding her. Especially when she learns she received this gift because God has a unique role for her in his bigger plan. But if she's to fulfill it, she'll need faith like never before.This exciting debut by author Christa Kinde draws on the rapidly growing interest in angel stories, an emerging trend in teen and preteen supernatural novels. Boys and girls alike will appreciate her gifted storytelling that captures their imagination with things beyond human sight. And parents will appreciate the family-friendly tone and godly messages maintained throughout this intriguing tale of adventure and spiritual warfare.
About the Author
Behind the scenes, I'm a cheerful homebody whose many talents include dish-washing, laundry-sorting, and the weaving polysyllabic words into everyday conversation. First to know, last to tell, happy to try, and always true. A plotter and a plodder, a dabbler and a devotee. Weaknesses include bright colors, crazy socks, and alliteration. More to the point, I spend my days planning studies, plotting stories, and putting my nose to the proverbial grindstone ... because as much as I loves writing, it's work. Finding the perfect word, turning a phrase so it sparkles, giving a plot just a bit of a twist - they're worth every iota of effort. I'm delighted to have discovered what I want to do when I grow up!