Family Radio CHRI

08-21-13 - BEST OF: Devotions for Real Life

real_lifeGod is speaking. Are you listening?  If you want to grow in your faith and understand who Jesus really is, this book can help.  Click here for Care's interview with Melody Carlson, author of "Devotions for Real Life", on this week's Best Of Youth Wednesday Bookmark, brought to you by Salem Storehouse! "



salem_logo201330% off! *NEW* Purchase online at, call 613-727-0203 to reserve your copy or visit Salem Storehouse (1558 Merivale Rd). Offer only valid for one week from the interview date.

Ever wonder what Jesus might say to you if you met him on the street? Chances are his message to you wouldn't be all that different from what it was two thousand years ago, even though you live in a totally different world. You can discover what he said—and what it means for you every day—by reading his words found in the Bible.

If you want to grow in your faith and understand who Jesus really is, Devotions for Real Life can help. Each short daily devotion from bestselling author Melody Carlson helps you read Jesus's words for yourself. Then Melody unpacks and applies his words to all of your life—school, family, relationships, and more.

Devotions for Real Life gives you words you can depend on through all the ups and downs and runarounds of your world.

About the Author
Award-winning author of over two hundred books with sales of more than five million. She is the author of several Christmas books from Revell, including the bestselling The Christmas Bus, The Christmas Dog, and Christmas at Harrington's, which is being considered for a TV movie. She is also the author of many teen books, including Just Another Girl, Anything but Normal, Double Take, and the Diary of a Teenage Girl series. She is the winner of a Romantic Times Career Achievement Award in the inspirational market for her many books, including the Diary of a Teenage Girl series and Finding Alice. Melody and her husband live in Oregon. 

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