Family Radio CHRI

07-22-15 - BEST OF: Expectant Parents

"Expectant Parents" is a supportive guide and companion for couples on their pregnancy journey. Click here for Brock Tozer's interview with author Suzanne Hadley Gosselin for this week's "Best of the Wednesday Bookmark"!



Originally aired Wednesday, December 10th, 2014.

Click here for more details and to purchase this book online.


Many books focus on prenatal development and the health of a mom-to-be. While Expectant Parents does touch on important issues of pregnancy, its core purpose is help expectant parents understand key issues related to the arrival of a new child in the home, offering practical assistance as they prepare themselves for long-term family success.

It’s often said that babies don’t come with an instruction manual. This book actually provides parents with information and practical steps for writing their own—as they work to create the kind of home and family they choose to build. This includes strengthening their own marriage relationship, setting plans and expectations for parenthood, increasing communication, and preparing for the new stage of their family life that is just ahead. Ideal for first-time parents, this book would also be helpful for couples wanting to explore and prepare for the emotional, physical, and spiritual life changes that come with the arrival of any new child into the family.

About the Author
Suzanne Hadley Gosselin Suzanne Hadley Gosselin is a freelance writer and editor in Colorado who has written for Focus on the Family, Zondervan, Harvest House, and David C Cook. She enjoys coffee, good conversation and spending time with her husband, Kevin, and three children--Josiah, Sadie and Amelia.

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