02-24-16 - Crazy Little Thing Called Marriage
- Details
- Category: Authors
- Published: Tuesday, 23 February 2016 06:00

Discover 12 secrets for a lifelong romance in your marriage. Click here for Brock's interview with Dr. Greg & Erin Smalley, co-authors of "Crazy Little Thing Called Marriage” on this week's Wednesday Bookmark, brought to you by BooksforChrist.com.
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Test your love. What are the strengths and weaknesses in your marriage? Find out, by taking the Focus on Marriage assessment: crazylittlethingcalledmarriage.com.
Every couple who wants a happy marriage will appreciate the revitalizing secrets in Crazy Little Thing Called Marriage. In it, Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley explore the traits of a healthy and thriving marriage.
Based on research of thousands of strong couples across the country, the twelve essential elements outlined are not only biblically based; they also chart a course for a romantic adventure that will last a lifetime.
With practical advice and stories from their own marriage and counseling experiences, Greg and Erin guide couples to find ways to work around roadblocks in their current relationship and to intentionally create communication patterns that will take them to emotionally safe places.
Yes, marriage can have its twists and turns. But the detours don’t necessarily have to lead couples off course. Greg and Erin help couples map out a journey for their marriages so that they can enjoy the passionate and intimate relationship that God has promised.
About the Authors
Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley recently celebrated twenty-three years of marriage. They are the proud parents of three daughters and one son in Colorado Springs, where Greg is the vice president of Family Ministries at Focus on the Family. Equipped with a PsyD, Greg helps prepare individuals for marriage and parenthood, strengthens existing marriages and families, and provides support for couples and parents in crisis. Erin is program manager at Focus on the Family with an MA in clinical psychology. Prior to joining Focus, the couple worked at the Center for Healthy Relationships at John Brown University.