Family Radio CHRI

'Muslims, Christians & Jesus'

muslims_christians_jesus.jpgBrock interviewed Carl Medearis on February 18th; International expert on Christian-Muslim relations and author of "Muslims, Christians, and Jesus".


Click here to listen to the interview and to find out how you can get a copy for 20% off!






salem_round_logo.jpg20% off!
This book is available upon request at Salem Storehouse (1558 Merivale Road, 613-727-0203)

Offer only valid for one week from the interview date.



... A New Perspective on Reaching Out to Muslims


Despite growing numbers of Muslims and Christians living or working next to each other, major barriers remain. Not only do mistrust and fear get in the way, but so do misunderstandings. It doesn't have to be this way, however.

Carl Medearis provides new insights into the top questions people have about Muslims, Muhammad, and Islam. Rather than focusing initially on the differences between Islam and Christianity, Medearis shows how common ground is the best foundation for friendships and for hearts turning to Jesus.


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