Family Radio CHRI

The Simple Difference

thesimpledifference 330When the world's problems loom large and your ordinary life stretches you thin, it is still possible to be a difference-maker--one small, intentional, extravagant act of kindness at a time. Replay Brock's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Becky Keife. 

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Book Description:

When the world's problems loom large and your ordinary life stretches you thin, it is still possible to be a difference-maker--one small, intentional, extravagant act of kindness at a time.

Rather than telling you to do more, The Simple Difference shows you how to see more: more of the people in front of you, more of God's lavish love for you, more of his power within you. The Simple Difference will help you:

- stop getting buried in busyness and distraction and discover countless opportunities for impact right where you are
- remove your perceived limitations and learn to see that your "not-enough" is exactly what the world needs
- discard expectations of what it takes to make a difference and delight in the life-changing power of simple kindness

The Simple Difference isn't about totally changing the course of your life; it's about letting God change you and work through you in the midst of your ordinary days. To say, As I go on my way, Lord, have your way with me. Be a part of The Simple Difference movement--your life and the world will never be the same.

About the Author:

Becky Keife is the community manager for DaySpring's (in)courage, a widely followed online community where authentic, brave women connect deeply with God and others. She is a popular speaker and the author of the Bible study Courageous Kindness and the book No Better Mom for the Job: Parenting with Confidence (Even When You Don't Feel Cut Out for It). Becky and her husband live near Los Angeles, where they enjoy hiking sunny trails with their three spirited sons.


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