Family Radio CHRI

February 24th, 2010 - NON-FICTION


An invaluable guide for anyone ready to live a purposeful, fulfilled, and enriched life that comes only by giving it away to others.


Click here to listen to Brock's interview with Dave Donaldson, co-author of "The Compassion Revolution", on this week's Wednesday Bookmark, brought to you by Salem Storehouse!

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Order your copy at Salem Storehouse (1558 Merivale Road, 613-727-0203)

Offer only valid for one week from the interview date.



Jesus fed the hungry. He touched the outcasts and the unlovable. He healed the sick and lame. He forgave those tormented by guilt. Jesus was a compassion revolutionary.


Dave Donaldson, cofounder of Convoy of Hope and himself a compassion revolutionary, urges readers to join him in responding to the call of Jesus to visibly demonstrate the radical values of the kingdom of God.

The Compassion Revolution is filled with stories that will inspire readers to align their priorities with God’s plan for living an extraordinary life.


Convoy of Hope feeds millions of people in need around the world, visit

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