Family Radio CHRI

Let's Talk Money

11-26-21 Black Friday Generosity

Black Friday comes around every year, just like Christmas, Easter, and Canada Day. And as we look to this weekend of shopping sales, deals and consumer frenzy, Dave and Reb challenge “Let’s Talk Money” listeners to not only do their Christmas shopping throughout this weekend, but to intentionally give some of their Black Friday money away. On today’s podcast, they talk about taking some of the money we save and donate it to help those in need. As Dave says, “generosity disarms coveting and greed” and is a great way to reach out into the community at this time of year. Today's show is sponsored by More Than Enough Financial - a financial coaching, tax, and mortgage company helping people find hope and freedom in their finances one day at a time. Dave and Reb would love to hear how you’ve intentionally implemented generosity this Black Friday weekend. You can email them at to tell your story!

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