Family Radio CHRI

Life's Inside Track

09-30-22 The Universal Stopper

Have you ever allowed fear to stop you in your tracks? Perhaps you didn’t apply for the job you wanted. Or you ended a relationship prematurely. When we allow fear to take over, it can be a lot like stepping into quicksand; we sink before we’ve even had a chance. In this episode of Life’s Inside Track with The Dekker Team, we will sit down with Mindset Mastery Mentor, Suzan Hart, to apply the teaching in 2 Timothy 1:7 to our lives. Join us to look at how God’s plan to give us a sound mind builds us a bridge to peace.

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"I am so glad I found your station. I love everything about it. I never turn you off; I go to sleep listening and I wake up to you. Where I am in my life right now, I need your station. Love the music! It's ALL great! May the Lord bless you kindly and expand your station." Barbara  

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