Family Radio CHRI

Care & Brock's Top Book Recommendations!


Looking for a good book to read by the pool? Need a book to draw you in while you’re camping or getting a few days off this summer? Want to encourage your kids to read more while school is out? Tomorrow we are kicking off The Best Of Wednesday Bookmark which means all summer long we’ll be replaying author interviews you may have missed! Books to encourage you on your journey, stories to inspire you, and testimonies to help you grow. 

Tune in Wednesday mornings at 9:00 A.M. ET (for Adult Non-Fiction) or afternoons at 4:30 P.M. ET (books for Kids, Youth or Young Adults) OR read more to purchase the books or Replay the interviews! 

Click the links for more info on the books and to Replay the interviews! 

Brock's Top Recommendations - Adult Non-Fiction

1. Three Pieces Of Glass, by Eric Jacobsen

3PiecesOfGlass 330

2. The Enneagram for Spiritual Formation, by AJ Sherrill and Chuck DeGroat

enneagramspiritualform 330

3. Finding Quiet, by Jamie Grace

findingquiet 330

4. The Powerful Purpose of Introverts, by Holley Gerth

powerfulpurposeintroverts 3

5. The 10 Best Decisions A Single Mom Can Make, by PeggySue Wells

bestdecisionssinglemom 330

6. The Pop Culture Parent, by Jared Moore

popcultureparent 330

7. The Great Sex Rescue, by Sheila Wray Gregoire

greatsexrescue 330

8. Living Unbroken, by Tracie Miles

LivingUnbroken 330

9. That Sounds Fun, by Annie F. Downs

thatsoundsfun 330

10. Thank You For Rejecting Me, by Kait Warman

bookmark thankyourej 330

11. The Red-Haired Archaeologist Digs Israel

redhairedarchaeologist 330

12. Soundtracks, by Jon Acuff

soundtracks 330

Care's Top Recommendations - Kids/Youth/Young Adults

1. God Cares for Me, by Dr. Scott James

godcaresforme 330

2. The You Inside You, by Robert Olson

youinsideyou 330

3. 100 Daily Acts of Friendship for Girls, by Julie Fisk

100 actsfriendship 330

4. Easy Target, by Tim Shoemaker

easytarget 330

5. The Quokkas, the Snails, and the Land of Happiness, by Eric Geiger

thequokkas 330

6. The Battle of Ottogatz!: Super FELIX Brothers, by Nahomie Acelin

battleottogatz 330

7. The Epic Bible, by Kingstone

epicbible 330

8. The Moon Is Always Round, by Jonathan Gibson

moonalwaysround 330

9. Wonderfull: Ancient Psalms Ever Knew, by Marty Machowski

wonderfullpsalms 330

10. DoubtLess, by Shelby Abbott

bookmark doubtless 330

11. Taste Your Words, by Bonnie Clark

tasteyourwords 330

12. The Money Challenge for Teens, by Art Rainer

moneychallengeteens 330

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